Embark on a journey through the untamed wilderness of the prairie with this collection of four detailed encounter and battle maps.

First, wade through the rushing waters of the Talestone River, where shallow depths conceal hidden dangers and swift currents challenge even the most seasoned travelers. Next, navigate the dusty trails of Dusty Creek East Crossroad, where the promise of adventure beckons from every direction.

Venture further into the wilds along Walato Way, a winding path fraught with peril as lurking wolves prowl in search of unsuspecting prey. Finally, tread the well-worn road of Tristryn Way, a vital artery of travel that winds its way northward, offering both refuge and danger to those who dare to tread its path.

Each map is meticulously crafted to provide a rich and immersive gaming experience, complete with detailed terrain features, strategic points of interest, and potential encounters to challenge even the most intrepid adventurers. Whether you're seeking adventure, fortune, or glory, these maps are sure to provide the perfect backdrop for your next epic quest.

Wild West
