In the heart of the forest lies "Leaming Woods," where the sounds of axes and saws echo as newcomers establish a lumber camp. Tents dot the clearing amidst fallen trees, while the beginnings of a village take shape with a burgeoning house rising against the backdrop of towering pines.

Further along the winding paths of "Sansol Grove," the forest reveals its hidden contours amidst rolling hills. Ideal for ambush or respite, these twisting trails offer strategic vantage points atop lush knolls, inviting encounters with both beasts and other lurking dangers.

Venture deeper into "Shawby Forest," where a once-flowing brook now lies dry, leaving behind an abandoned fishing hut with a dilapidated pier. The absence of water has driven the hut to ruin, its walls weathered by time and neglect. Alternatively, a flooded variant emerges after torrential rains or a breached dam, transforming the landscape into a watery obstacle, challenging travelers to navigate its submerged paths and uncertain depths.

Forest. Camp
