Racooze's Battlemaps & FoundryVTT Moduels

All my maps are actively offered by me as modules as well. The link can be found below.

The following packages are always shown. Whether you can download them depends on whether you also have the corresponding Patreon tier.

The links are only valid as long as the token is valid. As soon as you connect to Patreon for OAuth2, the token loses its validity. Then you have to request a new link.

Note that a lot of time was put into the battlemaps and modules, so feel free to use them, but don\'t just spread them around.

These Map Packs features the Modules "Levels" by theripper93.

Module Version

All modules are created and edited in FoundryVTT 11. Due to the constant development of the module "Level" a downgrade is not easily possible.


If there are any problems, please contact me via Mail, on Patreon or on Discord and I will help as soon as possible.

Patreon Modules

86 Maps

Free Modules

67 Maps
module.json URL copied
15 Maps
module.json URL copied
3 Maps
module.json URL copied